Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Jar Of Hope DIY

Happy thoughts! 

It's the small things that matters the most. Atleast for me. And i have a craze for doing small little DIY's that add color to my room and my lfe ^.^ Do you want a little rainbow in your room as well? A colorful jar full of happy and positive thoughts? Are you also looking for a good way of wishing yourself a good morning? Well then stay tuned. This DIY is for you! :) Simple and cute!

Things you'll need: 

  • coloured paper
  • scissors
  • cardboard 
  • glue
  • wool/ rope
  • mason jar ( or any jar )
  • color markers or color pencils 
Alright, lets start with making the tag. Draw a tag shape on your cardboard and cut it out. I used a tag from one of my shirts. You can draw it free hand or just google a tag pic and use that. Whatever is easier for you. It doesn't have to be perfect. Just what you like. 

 You can leave the tag as it is. I covered mine with colored paper. Name your jar based on your theme! I named mine "jar of hope"

Now tie your tag to your jar! I was going to used the wool but i found this elastic gold wire. So i used that instead.

  Alright, now grab your paper and write down your favourite quotes and cut them out!

Grab a pencil or a pen and roll your quote around it. Then tie a knot with the wool/ thread. Double the knot to secure it. Now remember to keep you thread loop big enough to be able to take the quote/ paper roll out and put it back in without scrunhing the paper, if that makes any sense :P 

 That's it! Simple! Follow the same steps and make as many quotes paper as you want.

Fill all of them into your jar and that's it! Your Done! Now you have Jar full of happy thought's to wake up to. Grab and read one thought out of the jar everyday before leaving home and have a good mood for the rest of the day. Smile! because you deserve to! I don't know about you, but it works for me. So here is a little something to inspire you too. 

 Make a jar of hope, or make a "to do list" jar! Create whatever you feel like! As i say 
Sky is the limit! 

1 comment:

  1. awwwhhh, so cute :-D i am so impressed :-) ur art brings colors to my soul :D else i was of the view that this world is full of people wid empty bodies . no souls :/ awwwhh i am falling in love wid ur creativity, u r so awesome :-D
