Wednesday, April 1, 2015

DIY Starry Wall

My obsession with stars and DIY just keep getting better and better! This idea is original and I have been trying to do this to my room since forever. Finally i got the time to get this DIY done and now its time to share it with you guys!

 If you like what you see then stay tuned!

For this DIY all you need is:
  • Card stock paper 
  • Scissors 
  • LED lights
  • Some duck tape (optional) 

Yup. Thats all you need :p 
For starters, cut out a star shape. You can do a hand drawing or get a picture from google. Cut two different size stars from a cardboard like ones shown below.

Trace the stars on black cardboard and cut them out.

Now draw lines from one tip of the star to the other as shown below:

Once you're done it should look something like this: 

Now with your scissors lightly slice through the lines.  As you move down you'll see the line disappearing. We are not trying to cut the star, just lightly pressing down on the lines as follow: 

Once you are done, fold the largest crease up wards as follow:

And you have your star!!

Cut out as many as you like!

Now is the fun part! Hang your lights on the wall and just tape the stars on them! Then turn the Led lights on and see your wall shine! 

Rest is on you! Sky is the limit! 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Banana Nice-Cream!

For them sugar cravings! 

Ever since I have started my fitness journey, I have tried a lot of different recipes and fitness routines. I have experimented with low Carb diets, low fat high Carb vegan diets, vegetarian recipes, and many healthy non veg options.
I decided to turn away from unhealthy options and start making the right choices. However, since I am only human, sometimes I do have craving for chocolate ice-creams with crushed Oreas in it. In order to satisfy my craving i decided to try something new and boy did I love it!  
So here is the recipe for vegan chocolate Nice-cream! And the best part is you only need few ingredients for this and it only takes a few minutes to prepare!

Things you'll need: 
  • 7 Frozen bananas 
  • 1 Ripe banana
  • 1/4 cup Cocoa powder
  • Brown/ Icing sugar (optional)

Its pretty simple! All you have to do is gather your ingredients and mix them in a blender or a food processor! Blending the frozen bananas might be a little hard. Use a spoon as needed. Mix in sugar as preferred. If the mixture is a little runny, leave it in the freezer for 15 mins. I prefer mine a little soft instead of completely frozen.
Decorate it with sprinkles or nuts or mix in some oreas! and your good to go!
Now this isn't your typical chocolate ice cream, high on fat, sugar, and calories. Instead it is a great substitute and it tastes delicious!

The best part about this one ingredient recipe is that you can mix and match. You can personalize it however you want! Put in some peanut butter instead of cocoa powder and you have peanut butter nice-cream.

Add in some frozen berries and you have mixed flavor snack! use cinnamon as a sugar substitute. Do whatever you like!

Be creative! Be original!

Sky is the limit!