Thursday, December 11, 2014

HIIT and Diet

Tone it up!

Someone asked me to do a post about my workout and diet routine!Now before i go into detail about my routine i would just like to mention that i am not a professional nutritionist or fitness coach.Whatever i will mention in this post is basically what has worked for me. That being said lets get right to it!

Okay first to give a little background about my fitness. i was the kind of person who never worked out.instead i literally spent my days walking around the house eating whatever i could get my hands on and then whining about how fat i have gotten! sounds familiar? :P


Anyway i discovered a workout known as HIIT (high intensity interval training). Now most of you may not know what HIIT means so here is the official definition: 

HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING (HIIT): is a system of organizing cardiorespiratory training which calls for repeated bouts of short duration, high-intensity exercise intermingled with period of lower intensity interval of active recovery.

So basically you workout for less time, with high intensiy, more intervals and short rest periods and burn overall more calories in half hours then you would if you spent one hour in gym or on a tread mill.

Here's a few workout to get you started!

 For beginners, i would recommend watching you tube videos to guide you through the exercises mentioned above! 

Meal/ Diet: 

I don't have any crazy meal/diet plans. When it comes to food it's pretty simple. Eat clean and stay active. Now by eat clean i don't mean boycott all tasty foods and punish your taste buds by eating celery all day long -.-

I only have 2 tips when it comes to diet.

1st) Eat fruits! and veggies if you like :P  Cut down on fatty foods and sodas. Eating clean means you can eat more without having to worry about your caloric intake. I mean look at these beauties! Who can say no to that? 

 P.s Once you start eating clean, your body automatically stops craving for the junk food. Trust me! I speak from experience!

2nd) Eat 4 to 5 times a day! (WHAT?) but eat in small and balanced portions! (ohh :P) Yes! eat every 3 to 4 hours. Now you must be thinking "Ain't nobody got time for that" :P But trust me. its better to eat in small portion through out the day than to feed your body more or less then what it needs to function. Either way your sending your body into starvation mode where it starts storing up fat instead of getting rid of it.

To sum it all up, Eat clean and Workout! Its pretty simple. All you need is a little motivation, 30 mins of your day (for HIIT), a strong mind set and a will to achieve your goals! Once you decide and set to mind to anything...

Sky is the limit! ^.^  

For more detailed workouts and recipes, contact me :)

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