Sunday, December 11, 2016

Fall It Up!

Let say goodbye to fall in style! 

Happy belated thanks giving to everyone! Thanksgiving just passed and now comes the weekend of black friday! I mean who doesn't love the holiday season! I hope you all are ready to go out and make the best of the amazing sales waiting you way! 
Fall is almost gone and now is time to say goodbye to my most loved weather season, but in style!
I put together a few more fall outfit that are perfect to transition from fall to winter! 

Outfit # 1  

Nothing says 'Hello winter' like a oversized white sweater! It's called sweater weather for a reason people. If you don't have a oversized sweater in your closet, you are missing out! (nope, not even kidding) The sweater looks classy and is extremely comfy for day out in the crispy cold sweater weather. Pair it up with a black pair of jeggings, brown boots and a Calvin Klein handbag and you are good to go. 
Outfit details: Sweater (Hollister), Jeggings (Sears), Boots (Charolette Ruse) Calvin Klein handbag. 

Outfit # 2

Lets face it. There is no way one can go wrong with neutral tones when it comes to fall and winter. So i put together this outfit because neutrals are and will always be love! 
Outfit details: White tee (banana republic) Brown jacket (ross) Boots, Calvin Klein Shoulder bag, Scarf.

Outfit # 3

Who said you can not rock a plaid all year round? No one! That's right. This is the perfect outfit to step into winter and say goodbye to fall with. The sweater makes it cozy and ready for the snow, and the stocking to keep those legs warm and hot, where as the plaid skirt adds to style of autumn and welcomes it into winter. Pair it all up with some boots and shoulder bag and voila! Hello winter!

Outfit Details: Boots (Charlette Ruse), Plaid skirt (Macy), Stocking, Bag (Ross)

Outfit # 4

And for the final outfit, A flowery sweater never hurt no one. You can rock a flowery spring sweater into winter, and you need to try it atlas once! The right pattern sweater, paired with the right shoes can do wonders! 
Outfit details: Jeans (Sears) Sweater (gift from my best friend Ayesha Tariq, Pakistan) shoes (Pakistan)

A big thanks to Amna for helping me out with this post! <3 
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Instagram: azkasaifullah

Sky is the limit!